Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Running Man

I have decided to start running, and I don't look like this when I run... But I wish I did... Today I head out two times, first with Berith this afternoon, and later this evening with Jenny.

I thought I'd die several times, but maybe someday I'll be able to loose the extra pounds and be able to run the whole way around that bloody track in the forest...

Tomorrow there will be more work, and later rehearsal with Gallows End. We are in the process of deciding what covers we should choose to play, and it's pretty exciting. I'm thinking of Iron Maiden's "Murders in the Rue Morgue", but I'm open for ideas? So don't be afraid to hand them out... :)

Friday, April 24, 2009

New Video

Oh well, I'll let the video speak for itself...


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Work, work, work...

As they say in Warcraft... The season for my normal day job has just started, and I have been working two days now. I'm a bit soar, but not as much as I usually am when the season start... Today I'm free from work, but it's just for a day when they fix the truck. What I do? Well, I'm driving around in a big truck with lots of grave stones, that we're setting up on different cemeteries. I also do some other work with stones, but mostly grave stones.

Last night we had our first rehearsal at the new place... We haven't been rehearsing for some time now, and it showed, but we had fun, and we'll be back up there where we want to be in no time, hopefully... :) Thord managed several hours without coffee, yay... And I was almost going nuts without any coffee, but I don't think anyone noticed, hehe...

Oh, I had tuna sallad for lunch yesterday, and when we rehearsed I farted, it was one of the worst farts I have ever had. It smelled like something had crawled up and died in my arse. I was amazed that the other's managed to continue playing, and they didn't even look sick. I was ready to leave the room, and it was my fart... LOL (I guess you didn't want to read that, but what do you expect of a crazy guy?) Moohhahahahahaha...

Well, back to practice and my coffee... Will be back soon again with a new exercise, and some more babling... Oh, Datis wrote this as a comment to another post here: "Datis here. Why don't you tell us some crazy stories from all the years of playing with different bands, or for that matter with Gallows End?" Well, Datis, I will post such things also, I'm afraid that no one will believe the stories, but there will be more of that soon. I promise... :)


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Final Stretch & Warm Up

Here's the final Stretch & Warm Up exercise. This one doesn't sound that good, but it's great for stretching. But don't over do this one, and play it slow, you don't need to go out in a frenzy to warm up and practice, you'll just hurt your hand by doing that. So take it slow, and easy, and stop if it hurts.

Below you'll find the midi-file at a bpm rate of 120... The midi is in standard tuning...

Have fun...

Friday, April 17, 2009

Stretch and Warmup Exercise

Here's a little stretch (not extreme, I will post another stretch exercise that is great a little later) and warm up exercise...

Below you'll find the midi-file at a bpm rate of 120... The midi is in standard tuning...

Have fun...

New surroundings...

Yesterday we moved to another rehearsal room, down the same corridor where our old one was. Now we share it with a few other bands, temporary, until we find a place of our own.

What else is new, hmmm... Nothing I guess, but today I will rearrange my pedal case/board (well, I haven't done anything with it before, so everything is just laying in piles of coords and thingies without order)...


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bass players are crazy too!

At least the
one we have
in Gallows End,
Niklas Nord... :)

Aeolian Scale...

Todays exercise is a normal minor scale, called the Aeolian scale. This is usually how I play it when I want to get the blood flowing in my fingers, and do a little stretching (not much but a bit), as a good way to exercise the agility and flow, together with the coordination between left and right hands. To make it a bit more interresting I usually play it as triplets, but try playing it in other ways as well. The important thing is to get familiar with the scale, and get it to flow well. This is a great scale to use in heavy metal music for soloing. This particular exercise is in Am. After you are comfortable with this scale box, try it in different keys, and also learn where the notes are in other positions for the different keys.

Below you'll find the little player thingie with the midi-file loaded, with the scale being played at a bpm rate of 120... Oh, and the midi is in standard tuning...

Have fun...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Different Eyes Solo - Thord Playing

Here's a video of Thord Klarström playing his solo part on the song Different Eyes, one of the songs from the upcomming album that will be released this summer. I hope you enjoy it... Note: I play the solo just before this, you can hear bit of it (well, the end that is) before Thord starts to let his fingers and pick loose around his strings... ;)

For more videos please visit our official Gallows End channel on YouTube!

Guitars I've owned

The very first guitar that I got was a Acoustic guitar, and to be honest I don't remember the brand or name of it. I got it when I was 6 or 7 years old, and it was on this guitar that I learned the guitar boogie, power chords and later normal chords. My second guitar was a Duke, an electric guitar (real cheapy crapy one), I also had another cheap guitar that I put my saw in to make it look more tough, it didn't go well. Don't remember the brand on that one either.

Now over to the goody stuff...

When I started playing in my first band, when I was around 16, I got a Washburn (the same model as the guitarist in Nazareth had), and after the neck on that one cracked (I dropped it on the floor in the rehearsal room) I got a Yamaha guitar. Which I blocket the floating tremolo on, because I couldn't get it to stay in tune.

Now a long time followed where I only played Fender and Squier Stratocasters. I started with a cream white Squier Stratocaster with a humbucker at the bridge, that I had for more then 10 years, and I still consider this as one of my best guitars. I have also had a few Fender Stratocasters and a Fender Strat (with a Floyd Rose bridge), and the last one I consider as one of my worst guitars ever. I only had it for a couple of weeks. My last Stratocaster was a Squier, white again, but this time with the original single coil pick ups.

After this I switched to Ibanez, and got a black RG570, a blue SZ520, a blue RG320 and a black Prestige SZ2020EX. I also had a Gibson Les Paul Studio, fire burst. I considered the Les Paul as my main axe during this time, even though I played my SZ520 just as much. It was now I started to use Seymor Duncan pick ups on my Les Paul, a Jeff Beck at the bridge and a Jazz at the neck. On my SZ520 I used EMG pick ups, 81 at the bridge and 85 at the neck (I also had EMG pick ups on the SZ Prestige, but I got that one later).

I still can't tell which pick ups I like the best. I only use EMG as I write this post, a 81 at the bridge and a 61 at the neck on my Vintage Black ESP Eclipse. Which is my only guitar at the moment, and is the same model as the one in this post.

Todays Warm up Exercise...

Damn, can't sleep... Oh well, here's todays warm up exercise for the guitarist. Use alternative picking, and use a metronom. Start slow first, around 120, and speed up after a while. Make sure it doesn't hurt of feel uncomfortable. Remember that this is just a warm up exercise, not a shred-contest (unless you want it to be).

I use this exercise most times I warm up. I don't play it very fast at all, but I do change the rythm and sometimes I play it as triplets.

I have also added a midi-file with the exercise, which you can play by starting the player below... The midi is in 120bpm.

Good luck...

Gonna head to bed...

Yikes, didn't know that it was so late, eh, early... Ay ay ay ay ay!

Time for bed, but first I'll share a picture just for the heck of it. This is from the Evarest release party last year in Sweden, a great band from the Czech Republic that are on the same record label. We we're one of the guest bands...

Hollow Breed from Torsby, Sweden opened the show, then we head up on stage. Then it was time for Evarest to perform, and christen their new album with champagne. Lastly the special quests , Gaia Epicus from Norway, entered the scene. It was a great evening with lots of hard and heavy metal from three countries... Datis, from the record label was also there to surprise the bands, and help out.

Mats Andersson was the photographer, allthough a bit drunk as he took the picture. ;)

Well, I'm off to bed, cheers...

Here we go...

This is my first blog attempt, and I will mainly write about how life is as one of the guitarists in Gallows End. When I started this blog we are almost done with our debute album, which will be relased this summer. Last year we signed a deal with the Ohio, USA based record label; Farvahar Records LLC. As of now we are just waiting to get the vocals recorded, which has been a bit delayed due to sickness, but we will soon be back in the saddle, as soon as the doctor give Thord - our singer and other guitarist - the thumbs up to start singing again...

In the meantime I will leave you with this great video, I just love these guys... Don't forget to check out the rest of the movies... :)

So, until my next post... Cheers...