Todays exercise is a normal minor scale, called the Aeolian scale. This is usually how I play it when I want to get the blood flowing in my fingers, and do a little stretching (not much but a bit), as a good way to exercise the agility and flow, together with the coordination between left and right hands. To make it a bit more interresting I usually play it as triplets, but try playing it in other ways as well. The important thing is to get familiar with the scale, and get it to flow well. This is a great scale to use in heavy metal music for soloing. This particular exercise is in Am. After you are comfortable with this scale box, try it in different keys, and also learn where the notes are in other positions for the different keys.
Below you'll find the little player thingie with the midi-file loaded, with the scale being played at a bpm rate of 120... Oh, and the midi is in standard tuning...
Have fun...
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