As they say in Warcraft... The season for my normal day job has just started, and I have been working two days now. I'm a bit soar, but not as much as I usually am when the season start... Today I'm free from work, but it's just for a day when they fix the truck. What I do? Well, I'm driving around in a big truck with lots of grave stones, that we're setting up on different cemeteries. I also do some other work with stones, but mostly grave stones.
Last night we had our first rehearsal at the new place... We haven't been rehearsing for some time now, and it showed, but we had fun, and we'll be back up there where we want to be in no time, hopefully... :) Thord managed several hours without coffee, yay... And I was almost going nuts without any coffee, but I don't think anyone noticed, hehe...
Oh, I had tuna sallad for lunch yesterday, and when we rehearsed I farted, it was one of the worst farts I have ever had. It smelled like something had crawled up and died in my arse. I was amazed that the other's managed to continue playing, and they didn't even look sick. I was ready to leave the room, and it was my fart... LOL (I guess you didn't want to read that, but what do you expect of a crazy guy?) Moohhahahahahaha...
Well, back to practice and my coffee... Will be back soon again with a new exercise, and some more babling... Oh, Datis wrote this as a comment to another post here: "Datis here. Why don't you tell us some crazy stories from all the years of playing with different bands, or for that matter with Gallows End?" Well, Datis, I will post such things also, I'm afraid that no one will believe the stories, but there will be more of that soon. I promise... :)