By the way, the picture to the right has nothing to do with this text. It's Thord going wild (of course you can't see it, it's a still picture, but I promise, he's wild here)... ;)
I have started a business, and I'm ready to test it's wings now, and will start at the first of july. It's a graphical design company, and I will mainly work with web pages and such. But will also do other graphical work, like CD-Covers, Posters, well, just about anything that has something to do with graphical design. If you want to know more about this please contact me for further information.
Within the band things are going in the right direction. Thord is still not well, but he's getting better, and I hope that we will be able to complete the studiowork for the upcoming album soon. We have been rehearsing some, and have started to play around with a few covers... We have also written a few new songs, but that's for the future to come.
Well, that's it for now... Will be back later...